Monday 23 May 2016

Fly Dubai - Job Opportunities

For more information please refer to this link.

About the Company

How it all started

The company was officially set up in March 2008 by the Government of Dubai, forming the city's first low-cost airline.
In June that year, flydubai announced its arrival by placing an order for 50 Boeing 737-800 NG aircraft at the Farnborough Airshow.
That marked the start of a year's planning and hard work to get flydubai off the ground.

The first commercial flight

In May 2009, the first aircraft arrived and on 1 June made its inaugural commercial flight.
After just 3 months, flydubai had already flown 100,000 passengers.
As more aircraft were delivered, flydubai increased the number of routes, flying daily to cities across the GCC, Middle East, North Africa, Indian Subcontinent, Asia and Central & Eastern Europe.
As 2009 ended, flydubai had already added another 7 routes and by July 2010, with even more routes on our map, we carried our one millionth passenger.

flydubai today

5 years after its inaugural commercial flight, flydubai is now making more than 1,400 flights a week with over 500 pilots and 1,000 cabin crew taking thousands of passengers to destinations throughout the region.
From the very beginning flydubai has stuck to its core philosophy and continue to strive to make air travel more affordable.