Tuesday 31 May 2016

Plan Your Success

Where are you in your career? Are you a college graduate or have you recently received your MBA? Perhaps you are re-entering the workforce after a long absence. Perhaps you've been a victim of a workforce reduction. You might even be someone who has just concluded a career in the military and now you are ready to apply yourself to a corporate job. Maybe you are just unhappy in your present job and want to make a career change.
No matter where you are, you need to create a solid strategy for competing in today's new job market. Indeed, today's tight job market demands an intensified approach to jobhunting. The job seeker must adjust career goals and expectations and get these in line with the marketplace. This will increase their chances of getting the job they want in a tight market where the supply of job applicants far exceeds the demand.

Marketing a Complex Product

If you are planning to conduct a job hunting campaign, you are on the verge of marketing a very complex product. You are about to undertake a marketing program to merchandise intangible assets your unique experience, depth of knowledge in a given field, technical expertise, and leadership ability. It is unusual for people to see themselves objectively, to appraise their own strengths, and set forth these qualifications in a manner that will cause prospective employers to stand up and take notice.

Success in today's competitive marketplace requires a highly organized, professional merchandising program to reach a successful goal. Careful attention to the smallest detail is required in order for the marketing program to work effectively. In fact, most jobhunting programs fail because individuals put forth an inadequate or incomplete effort. The real acid test for success is very simple: how much do you want to improve your current position? Do you have a career goal? Do you have a plan for achieving your goal? Have you thought about where you want to be with your career five years from now?
These are serious questions that need to be answered...

Looking for a job can be the most frustrating and difficult part of one's career. The search takes time, careful planning, and the conservation of contacts and energy. Whether you are unemployed or just looking, the victim of a work force reduction, or the economic squeezewhatever the reason there are certain do's and don'ts that can make all the difference in finding the right job.
Conducting a successful job search requires maintaining a strong conviction that you will succeed. You should remember these important points as you embark upon your job search:

1. Your attitude is an important asset. If you are down on yourself, this will show through and others will detect it. Keep a positive mental attitudea winning attitude.

2. Be open with other people about your situation. There are many people around you (family, friends and co-workers) who care about you and want to help.

3. Identifying a new job will be very demanding and will require a strong conviction to succeed. It is often harder to find a new job with "the right fit" than to hold on to your old job.

4. Follow a well organized pro-active job search plan and you will end up better off than when you started. You may want to consider a lateral move on the career ladder to position you for success. Aim high, but be ready to consider alternatives as you plan for the future...